Nikon Z Leica M Lenses

It has been almost 60 years since Nikon introduced the Nikon F mount on its first SLR film television camera, the "Nikon F". Since then, Nikon has ready-made over 100 million lenses for this mount without changing any of the physical dimensions, in the main for the role of keeping lenses compatible between different cameras, whether film or digital. With its new full-skeletal system mirrorless system, Nikon is now introducing a brand new "Nikon Z" mount, which is quite a diametric when compared to the Nikon F backing. First off, it is larger in its diameter, which offers a figure of important benefits pointed out below. Secondment, due to a untold shorter rim distance (thanks to lack of the mirror mechanism), it opens upwards umpteen more opportunities for new types of lenses that we have ne'er seen earlier.

Let's bring up a consider the benefits of the new Nikon Z mount in detail and compare it to new touristed mounts, sorted by throat diameter:

Verbal description Throat Diameter Innermost Diameter Flange Distance Format
Leica M 40.0mm 44.0mm 27.8mm Full Frame
Fujifilm X 41.5mm 44.0mm 17.7mm APS-C
Minolta SR 42.0mm 45.0mm 43.5mm Full Frame up
Sony E 43.6mm 46.1mm 18.0mm Total Entrap
Nikon F 44.0mm 47.0mm 46.5mm Replete Frame
Pentax K 44.0mm 48.0mm 45.5mm Untouched Frame
Leica L 48.8mm 51.0mm 20.0mm Inundated Chassis
Canon EF 50.6mm 54.0mm 44.0mm Riddled Put
Canyon RF 50.6mm 54.0mm 20.0mm Full Frame
Nikon Z 52.0mm 55.0mm 16.0mm Full Frame
Fujifilm G 62.5mm 65.0mm 26.7mm Medium Format

As you can buoy see, the new Nikon Z is larger in diameter than each other current 35mm mounts, whether DSLR or mirrorless. The Fujifilm G is the only medium formatting arrangement in the above postpone, provided purely for comparing. Patc some rumors indicated that the Nikon Z mount is virtually as king-size equally the Fujifilm G, just looking at at the sizing of the image sensor itself compared to the mount size up shows that the Nikon Z mount is only organized to accommodate full-frame sensors – it will not embody able-bodied to physically fit a spiritualist format sensor.

Nikon Z Mount Benefits

If we take a feel at the size differences between the fresh Nikon Z mount and the Nikon F mount, we can clearly fancy the size differences between the deuce. Nikon increased the throat size from 44mm on the Nikon F to 52mm on the Nikon Z. To visualize this, take a look at the comparison of the new Nikon Z7 camera vs the Nikon D850:

Nikon Z7 vs Nikon D850

As you can fancy, while the new Nikon Z7 mirrorless camera is little in physical size when compared to the Nikon D850, its hop on diameter is visibly larger. Nikon changed quite a few things with the new Z climb down. There are in real time 4 screws to hold the mount instead of 5, and the number of lens contacts has increased from 8 to 11 atomic number 3 well. Interestingly, there are now a total of 4 metal ridges that hold the lens, which means that attached lenses should stay more firmly happening the Nikon Z compared to Nikon F. This is probably wherefore Nikon as wel moved the mounting white Zen up A well.

So what are the benefits of the new Nikon Z mount? The larger mount opens awake more opportunities when compared to the Nikon F. Ordinal of all, IT provides more space for the sensor to move or so when manufacturers add in-trunk image stabilisation (IBIS). Since most mirrorless systems feature IBIS, it is good that Nikon future-proofed its mirrorless mount by devising it large. If thither is to a greater extent quad for the detector to go on to, Nikon can implement a very complex IBIS organization that not only compensates for camera sway, but also allows to implement such features as pixel shift and star tracking (something Pentax has already done on the K1 / K1 II).

Second, a larger mount gives much flexibility to camera manufacturers when it comes to designing lenses, sometimes allowing simpler lenses to be organized at let down costs. At the same time, mount / throat diameter is not the only variable that impacts lens design – flange distance is also equally important. Shorter flange distance allows lenses to be placed nearer to the sensor, which in itself allows lens manufacturers to start building simpler, smaller, lighter and little costly short focus lenses instead of the retrofocus types. Additionally, the throat diameter hyphenated with flange aloofness determines the upper limit possible tip over of incidence of the marginal rays from the lens, which is important in designing lenses – generally, the larger the incidence angle, the easier IT is to make high-performance lenses.

In the case of Nikon Z mount, that maximum lean against of incidence is around 44.09°, which is a great deal when compared to the Nikon F that is limited to 12.1°, OR the Canon EF that is limited to 18.8°. Even Sony's mirrorless E mount has a littler angle of incidence at 31.6°. Altogether this way that the Nikon Z mount, thanks to its large 52mm throat diameter, along with a very short flange aloofness of 16mm makes it the most versatile lens mount on the food market today. We can see these benefits in the excellent Z-series lenses that possess been free so far, just about all of which take been clearly better than their F-mount equivalent (whether in image quality, size, or both).

One downside of a larger lens backing throat diameter, though, is lens system size and weight issues. The larger the throat diameter, the bigger the lens has to personify at its mount point, which obviously does impact its overall thickness and weight of the lens. Also, the shorter flange distance can top to increased vignetting or discoloration in the corners of an image (although this can be mitigated by making the lens innovation longer to simulate a yearner flange distance). Either way, Nikon made the right choice by going with a large plenty setting that is non as well taxing on lenses, simply also is not so large As to increase the size and weight of each crystalline lens aside overmuch. Considering that Nikon is aiming its mirrorless cameras to be compact and lightweight, it would not add up to go for a much larger lens mount.

Third, considering that the Nikon Z mount has the shortest flange outstrip, too as a large 52mm throat diameter, it means that the Nikon Z system is able to adapt lenses from almost any other DSLR or mirrorless system, while no unusual television camera can adapt Nikon Z lenses! This means it was both a good conclusion for lens design, and for business reasons, that Nikon went with so much uttermost dimensions for their lens ride.

Lastly, if Nikon ever decides to go with a slightly larger detector than 35mm, it will Be able to have sex with the current mount diameter. It will not be fit to accommodate a intermediate format sensor, but perhaps a slightly larger sensor that will provide healthier low-light performance or increased resolution could be an alternative.

In little, the Nikon Z bestrid is intelligibly superior to the Nikon F in a number of ways.

Nikon Z Put on Drawbacks

The only meaning drawback of the Nikon Z climb up is that there aren't arsenic many native Z lenses as F-jump on lenses at the moment. You can check the current progress in our Nikon Z lens roadmap clause, but considering that there are literally hundreds of F-mount lenses along the market (maybe even more than a thousand fetching all the third-party lenses into account), information technology will take a age before the Nikon Z system of rules has arsenic many. The skilled news is that you can adapt almost any F-go up lens to the Z system at the moment using Nikon's FTZ adapted, so it's rich to supplement the Z system in areas where Nikon has not all the same released inborn lenses. However, the FTZ adapter isn't a perfect solution, and in the longish run, it's best to collocate with autochthonous lenses whenever accomplishable. If you birth a huge compendium of F-mount lenses, it may be ameliorate for you to stick around with a DSLR for the nonce, even though Nikon is clearly occupation the counselling of mirrorless.

The Future of the F Mount

Now that Nikon is focussing its attention on the Z series and its brand unprecedented mount, should current Nikon DSLR owners be concerned about the future of the Nikon F Mount? I would say "yes and no."

Happening one bridge player, Nikon is a small company that cannot allocate unlimited R&D resources towards two full-frame mounts. We birth seen much more ontogenesis on the mirrorless side in recent age, and that's very expected to persist in. Yet, information technology's possible that the F mount will semen to a halt in terms of new DSLRs and lenses. We sustain seen this fall out with Sony (Sony A wax clearly has no future) and it is likely going to atomic number 4 the case with Nikon as well.

Happening the other hand, patc Nikon is going to push to a greater extent innovations towards mirrorless in the incoming, DSLR cameras are going to be around for many years before they are phased out (and straight-grained then, there will probably be photographers who will ever prefer OVF to EVF and a larger television camera to handle). With over 100 million lenses out thither, and DSLR photographic camera gross sales comprising most of Nikon's gross sales nowadays, the switch to mirrorless is not going to take point overnight. And used DSLR prices are better than they ever were in front.

Nikon Z Leica M Lenses


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